WE design
YOU have a successful business

Dělejte odvážné kroky k lepší budoucnosti

Vy máte svou vizi a svůj byznys. My víme, co je dalším správným krokem a jak jej perfektně provést.

Service design



Product design

Product design

Product design

Product design

Product design

Product design

Product design

Product design

Product design

Product design

Product design

Product design

Product design

Product design

Product design

Product design

Product design

Product design

Product design

Product design

Real changes for the better

Our strategic development model stands on solid ground. It combines a long-term vision of sustainable development with a pragmatic view on feasibility.

Meaningfulness and sustainability

Through comprehensive transformations, we bring recognizable value and improve the way people live, work, and conduct business together.

Let's design something great together.

Just leave your contact information with us and we'll get back to you soon.

By submitting, you agree to the terms of personal data processing.

Moc děkujeme za váš zájem. Brzy se ozveme.
Oooops. Něco je špatně. Nechybí vám nějaký povinný údaj?

Stride XL, s.r.o.

Sekaninova 869/3
614 00 Brno
Czech Republic

VAT ID CZ07234783